Shade Foundation of America
The Shade Foundation of America strives to one day eradicate skin cancer and melanoma through the education of children, parents, teachers and the community throughout the United States. Please visit their website to find:
- Information and tools for parents, teachers and children, to learn about the risks of UV exposure.
- Sun safety kits with UV wristbands, sunscreen, and educational pamphlets to jump start awareness.
- Fundraising and organizing support with local community groups to help them raise money for sun safety equipment.

Shade Structure Grant Program
The AAD’s Shade Structure Grant Program awards grants of up to $8,000 to public schools and non-profit organizations for installing permanent shade structures for outdoor locations that are not protected from the sun, such as playgrounds, pools, or recreation spaces.Since its launch in 1999, the AAD’s Shade Structure Program has awarded over 450 shade structure grants, which provide shade for over 3.5 million individuals each day. Find out if your organization is eligible to apply.
Eligibility requirements state that applicants must have a sun-safety program in place for at least one year prior to application. Access the AAD’s free resources library on their website for sun protection materials to support your program.
The Shade Structure grant program funds permanent shade structures for schools, day-cares, parks, and other non-profit organizations where children learn and play. Help support the Shade Structure grant program by making a generous donation today to help the AAD shade more children in need of sun protection.